D. Steven Nouriani

Ph.D., MFT

D. Steven Nouriani, Ph.D., MFT (MFC30570), has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, is a licensed Marriage Family Therapist and a Certified Jungian Analyst/Psychoanalyst, with over 35 years of clinical training and experience. Dr. Nouriani has extensive clinical training and experience with children, adolescents and adults in both in-patient and out-patient settings, as well as in private practice.

He did his doctoral internship training at the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco (a clinical institute for training in Jungian/Analytical Psychology). Ten years after he obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, he went back to the Jung Institute of San Francisco and pursued advanced post-licensure training in Analytical Psychology and became a Certified Jungian Analyst/Psychoanalyst.

This additional advanced form of post-licensure training is very rigorous and in addition to proficiency on the theoretical knowledge and practice of Analytical Psychology, it requires the therapist to undergo extensive analysis himself/herself in order to develop internally and have a deeper experiential understanding of psychotherapy and analysis. On average this type of advanced form of training can take anywhere from six to twelve years in addition to all the training requirements for licensure as a psychologist or a psychotherapist.

Dr. Nouriani is in private practice in San Francisco and San Jose. He has a special interest in the areas of in-depth psychotherapy of various issues among adults and children, analytical psychology, addictions, alchemy, mysticism and dream analysis.

In addition to his practice of psychotherapy and analysis, Dr. Nouriani is a training analyst at the Jung Institute of San Francisco, is an international speaker, and has been presenting at various professional conferences and workshops over the last 20 years, where he has presented various papers in the field of Analytical Psychology and Depth Psychotherapy, the Treatment of Eating Disorders, Group Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy with Gays and Lesbians and Cross-cultural issues. He has also been training other psychotherapists and teaching as adjunct faculty at various Bay Area Universities. He has conducted research on aging and development, eating disorders, Egyptian mythology, mysticism, as well as alchemy.

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  • Certified Jungian Analyst/Psychoanalyst, Analytical Training at The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from California Institute of Integral Studies
  • Doctoral Internship at The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
  • M.S. in Clinical Psychology from Virginia State university
  • B.A. in Psychology from George Washington University

Credentials &
Professional Affiliations

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC30570)
  • Certified Jungian Analyst/Psychoanalyst
  • Clinical Member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Clinical Member of the Association of Professionals Treating Eating Disorders
  • Adjunct Faculty Member at John F. Kennedy University, Sofia University
  • Analyst Member, The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
  • Faculty at the Analytical Training Program, The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
  • Analyst Member of the International Association of Analytical Psychologists
  • Clinical Member of the Santa Clara Psychological Association

Presentations at Conferences

  • The Healing Value of Love in Clinical Practice: The C. G. Jung Institute of SF, 2018.
  • Mundus Imaginalis: Bridging Spirit with Body, International Conference of Analytical Psychologists, IAAP, Kyoto, Japan, 2016.
  • Visualyzing the Mundus Imaginalis, The C. G. Jung Institute of SF, 2016.
  • Non-duality Through the Mundus Imaginalis. The Non-Duality Conference, 2016.
  • What’s Love Got to Do With It? The C. G. Jung Institute of SF Conference, 2015.
  • Mystical Judaism and Sufism. The C. G. Jung Institute of SF Conference, 2014.
  • Global Crisis: Earth and Soul Consciousness. Where Are the Opposites Now, 2013.
  • Exile, Return, Peacemaker: The Psychology of Exile. Presentation at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center, 2013.
  • From Mortification to Coniunctio: Attunement to the Anima Mundi. Presentation at the members meeting of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, 2013.
  • The Meeting of the Two Rivers: Analytical Psychology and Sufism. Presentation at the International Association of Analytical Psychologists Conference, Copenhagen, 2013.
  • Embracing the Other and the Re-emergence of the Divine Feminine: Transformation of Darkness and the Evolution of Consciousness. North-South Conference, 2012.
  • Anubis: The One Who Watches Over Mysteries. A special presentation in honor of King Tut, given at the Jung Institute of San Francisco, 2010.
  • The Re-emergence of the Divine Feminine: Transformation of Darkness and the Evolution of Consciousness. Presentations at the Jung Institute of Santa Fe, 2008.
  • The Role of Terrorism and Fundamentalism in the Corruption of Cultural Symbols and the Destructive Defense against Fragmentation. IAAP-IAJS Joint Conference of Jungian Analysts and Candidates at ETH in Zurich, 2008.
  • The Practice of Jungian Psychotherapy - Jung Institute of San Francisco, 2008.
  • One Thousand and One Nights. Presentations at North-South Conference of Jungian Analysts and Candidates and at the Jung Institute of San Francisco, 2007.
  • The Serpent and the Scarab in the Journey of the Sungod through the Netherworld: An Archetypal Foundation to the Mysteries of the Ego's Journey towards Individuation. North American Conference of Jungian Analysts and Candidates, 2006, and to the Friends of Jung in San Diego, 2008.
  • Treatment of Men with Eating Disorders: at A Major Conference on Eating Disorders in San Francisco, 2006.
  • Workshop on Culture and Diversity: Clinical Work with Persian Clients. Presentation at the Jung Institute Los Angeles. 2005.
  • Eating Disorders: Integrating Object Relations and the Jungian Approaches. Presentation to a group of psychologists at the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, San Francisco chapter, 2004.
  • Treatment of Eating Disorders from a Jungian Perspective. Presentation at the First Annual California Conference on Eating Disorders, 2003.


  • 2012-present: Analytical Psychology and Mysticism
  • 2010-2012: Alchemy: understanding the unconscious, and psychological processes
  • 2009-2010: Anubis, Egyptian myth of the Afterlife, & the Egyptian Book of the Dead
  • 2007-2009: Various aspects of the Divine Feminine: Isis, The Dark Feminine and Mary Magdalene. Also researched the Egyptian Mysteries.
  • 2006-2007: Egyptian mythology on the journey of the Sungod in the underworld and the archetypal foundations to the mysteries of the ego's journey towards individuation.
  • 1994-1996: Clinical research for Dissertation in Clinical Psychology: This research was an in-depth clinical study on binge eating and obesity. The findings indicated that severe binge eaters were a distinct clinical group within the obese population and differed from other groups by presenting a significantly distinct clinical syndrome.
  • 1982-1984: Clinical research for Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology: This research was on the clinical application of an alternative projective technique, called "The Thematic Apperception Technique", to the elderly population. This study explored various psychological factors related to development among the elderly and the findings supported the more recent theoretical views regarding continuous psychological growth and change throughout old age.
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To find the right path to a more meaningful life.