I currently offer the following groups:

An in-depth psychotherapy group for men and women who struggle with binge eating. In a safe and supportive environment, the group participants can explore the emotional and psychological factors underlying their binge eating problem. New and effective ways to cope with both inner and outer factors which lead to binge eating will be discovered and processed.

Issues such as emotional stress, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, isolation, body-image and self-image as well as self-management will be explored. Furthermore, the group participants will be supported in identifying individual tools and resources which would help them in their personal journey towards continuous recovery.

An in-depth group psychotherapy for gay men focusing on relationship issues, sexuality, low self-esteem, isolation, fear of intimacy, difficulties in dating, HIV issues, dealing with loss, internalized homophobia, changing self-destructive behavior patterns, and coping with difficult emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depressed mood.

Reading materials, dreams, and personal myths and stories will be utilized in the course of the group to enhance the depth and richness of the group process.

An in-depth psychotherapy group for men focusing on the psychological issues specific to men; relationship issues, sexuality, low self-esteem, isolation, fear of intimacy, difficulties in dating, mid-life issues, father-son and mother-son issues, and coping with difficult emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depressed mood.

Reading materials, dreams, and personal myths and stories will be utilized in the course of the group to enhance the depth and richness of the group process.

I look forward to working with you
To find the right path to a more meaningful life.